Lodging Heating Controls – ECO4 – GBIS

What are the rules about lodging heating controls? ECO4 – GBIS
Ofgem rules say you should record all the heating control measures that you have installed in your project and lodge them to Trustmark, but it seems some funders request different combination for reasons only known to themselves…
Some will ask you to include heating compensation, some won’t. Some will be happy with TRV with TTZC (Radbot1), some will just want you to lodge TTZC without TRV, even if there where no TRV’s pre install???
The usual combinations when lodging heating controls are as below providing there were no heating controls present pre-install
- P&RT + Heating Compensation + TRVs
- P&RT + Smart Stat + TRVs
- TTZC + P&RT + Heating Compensation + TRVs
- P&RT + TTZC + Smart Stat + TRVs
NOTE 1: Load compensation cannot be lodged with smart controls.

NOTE 2: We cannot lodge a controls measure if that measure was present pre-install.
e.g. If there where TRV’s and you where doing TTZC with a smart stat and Radbot1’s and there where already TRVs and P&RT pre-install. The measures would be TTZC + Smart stat, omitting the P&RT and the TRV, even if you installed a new programmable room thermostat and TRV’s to all radiators.
NOTE 3: Check with your funder as to that the measures are required when lodging heating controls.

Its easy enough to delete one of the measures from your project just before you order your IBGs prior to lodging heating controls to Trustmark. We advise that when using a new installer you run the measures past the funder before you produce your IBGs.
Now you know a little more about lodging heating controls and understand a little more about what heating control measure to include in your projects. If you need any more info or advice about lodging heating controls with ECO4 – GBIS please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at ECO4 Gurus or call Andy on 07831564351.